Pittosporum tenuifolium ssp colensoi - Rau-tawhiri
Pittosporum tenuifolium ssp colensoi - Rau-tawhiri
Grown for foliage and pretty flowers. Small glossy green leaves are complemented with masses of small purple flowers through summer. Will grow to 5m tall and 3m wide. Can be trimmed to encourage new growth. Prefers damp gully and riparian areas, found throughout central North Island.
Unless delivery is arranged as part of the purchase, collection will be made by the purchaser from the nursery site during normal business hours by arrangement with nursery management.
Terms of Service
Our standard account payment terms are the 20th of the month following the date of the invoice/statement.
If any account is in dispute, the undisputed portion of the account shall be payable as normal. We maintain the right to withhold service to any customer whose account is in arrears until such time as the account is paid. Interest may be charged on overdue accounts and to recoup any fees in relation to a collection agency.